It is becoming increasingly suspicous that a major contributor to deteriorating health is the consumption of industrial grade vegetable oils. I try to eat organic, but it doesn’t always happen when I eat out. Even eating a nice salad out can be problematic if the dressing is made with something like canola, sunflower, or safflower oil. To make a long story short, these oils are oxidized fat and basically produced under industrial conditions and are highly inflammatory. As research increases, even olive oil is suspect due to the range of manufacturing conditions. Life is about balance, so don’t stress over this. If I am out and don’t know what kind of oil is being used, I try to use some other condiment that I am fairly sure is better than an industrial grade vegetable oil. Maybe a salsa or tomato sauce. Knowledge is golden. So if you know you’ve consumed some less than healthy oil, offset it with a super healthy anti-oxident meal or drink that you know and love.