Most of us are exposed to a wide range of toxins every day no matter how carefully try to avoid them. It is estimated that there are over 80,000 toxic chemicals used regularly in the US. The result is that those chemicals get stored in our body. Even more sadly, the Environmental Working Group reports that a study detected new chemicals showing up in babies’ cord blood. These new chemicals include a chemical from computer circuit boards and synthetic fragrances used in common cosmetics and detergents. However, your body is equipped with a natural detox system that can help remove these dangerous compounds. Incorporate a detox strategy and you can maximize your body’s ability to move the toxins out of your system.
Fat Soluble Toxins
Toxins can be either water or fat soluble and require different methods of detoxification. Examples of fat-soluble toxins are herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, preservatives, pollutants, plastics, and heavy metals. They like to settle in the fatty tissue, which makes them potent neurotoxins, since your brain is composed primarily of fat. One of the simplest ways to move fat-soluble toxins is to sweat. An infra-red sauna is especially effective. A dietary detox strategy is to incorporate some foods that are known to bind to these toxins. Salads and fruit fiber from strawberries do this. As far as supplements go, chlorella, which is an extremely nutritious green algae, can be effective at escorting toxins out of the body. So can apple fiber and activated charcoal.
It’s also important to know that fat soluble toxins require processing by the liver before they can be eliminated. If your liver is overburdened, you won’t be able to move the fat soluble toxins out of the body. You can read more about liver support here.
Aluminum is a fat soluble heavy metal, but it deserves special treatment because of the prevalence in our daily lives. It occurs in small amounts naturally in the foods and water we intake. We are exposed to more than is safe from things like cookware, utensils, deodorants, and obviously in aluminum foil. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is well known for his successful treatment of neurological illness and Lyme disease with integrative medicine. He has this to say about aluminum: “It basically impairs the receptors that we have on the cell wall, hormone receptors, neurotransmitter receptors, insulin receptors. They all get messed up by aluminum. It has a really, really strong effect, stronger than any other toxin,”
Drinking silicon-rich mineral waters is a good aluminum detox strategy because they are actually rich in soluble silicon, or silicic acid. This form of silicon immediately follows water molecules through the gut wall and into the bloodstream where it forms a different aluminium complex. And this form of aluminium can be easily filtered from the blood by the kidney. Hence, silicon-rich mineral waters increase the excretion of aluminium in the urine.
The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer unanimously determined that the active chemical in Roundup is “probably carcinogenic to humans.” Monsanto produces Roundup and also provides us with genetically modified organism (GMO) seeds today. 75% our food is either sprayed with Roundup (glyphosate) and/or grown from GMO seeds.
This is a problem because glyphosate attaches to places in the body where you need the amino acid glycine. And glycine is used by your body’s detoxification process. Hence many of us do not have enough glycine for efficient detoxification. A great detox strategy to eliminate glyphosate from your body, is to saturate your body with glycine. Glycine is inexpensive and actually tastes sweet. Ideally it is best to take it around the time you are eating food that might be contaminated with glyphosate. For most people, a beginning dose is considered 1 tsp a day with a maintenance dose being 1/4 tsp a day. Your body also uses glycine to make glutathione, a powerful antioxidant and to make creatine, which provides your muscles with energy.
Water Soluble Toxins
Water-soluble toxins are expelled from the body via the blood and kidneys. Our body has the capability of eradicating water-soluble toxins effectively via urination. The key detox strategy for water soluble toxins is making sure you are hydrated with healthy fluids like good clean water, teas, water rich foods, and fresh organic juices or smoothies. Adding lemon, lime, or apple cider vinegar to your water further enhances the detoxifying effects.
Dandelion leaf tea is another great detox strategy because it is a gentle diuretic and it stimulates the immune system and supports the kidneys. It helps toxins from the bloodstream. The immune system can then see anything left in the bloodstream and work to push it out.
General Detoxing
Increasing greens in your diet will support your overall health and detox processes by giving your body more minerals to work with. They’re nutrient dense, easy for your body to process, and they help increase the function of the liver. There are so many reasons to add greens to your diet and so many ways to do so. Juicing greens provides a tremendous amount of chlorophyll and phytonutrients that enhance the detoxification process. There are also some great organic green drink powders that not only contain greens, but other beneficial ingredients like cleansing herbs, trace minerals, enzymes, and probiotics.
Drink green teas is another great detox strategy. They are full of antioxidants to help process toxins and especially heavy metals. Green tea also acts as a natural diuretic. Adding roasted dandelion root to your green tea can offer the deep coffee taste and other added benefits of the dandelion.
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