As we know, our bodies are constantly exposed to pollutants and chemicals. From exhaust fumes to artificial scents. There is just no avoiding it. I believe this is the reason we have seen such a rise in chronic illnesses like auto-immune disease and cancer. The good news is that you can make choices daily that will help your body be able to flush those toxins. You can do this by supporting your body’s glutathione levels. Glutathione exists in every cell of the body and is considered the master anti-oxidant. It protects cells from damage by oxidative stress, free radicals, infection and disease. It is important for detoxification in the liver. So keeping your glutathione levels optimal will allow you to detox naturally and hopefully, live a healthy life with energy to spare.
Sulfur Containing Foods
Glutathione contains a sulfur chemical group. This sulfur group is responsible for eliminating free radicals and toxins from the body. So a great way to detox naturally is to eat sulfur containing foods that will support healthy glutathione levels. In addition, studies have shown that eating sulfur-rich foods can decrease oxidative stress. The most common sources of sulfur are garlic, onions and the cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, cauliflower, watercress, etc). There are many other benefits of eating cruciferous vegetables. They are a powerhouse of nutrients and low in calories.
You may have heard that cruciferous vegetables may cause harm to the thyroid. Studies have shown it would take a large amount to cause damage. But to be on the safe side, if you do have thyroid issues, it’s best to only eat cruciferous vegetables that have been cooked and limit your intake to about one to two servings per day.
Whey Protein
Glutathione is produced from the amino acids cysteine and glycine. So eating foods that provide cysteine can boost production of glutathione and help you detox naturally. One good source of cysteine is bioactive, organic grass-fed whey protein. This kind of whey protein is also found to remove heavy metals from the body and detoxifying the body.
The isolate whey protein must also be bioactive to be the most beneficial for boosting glutathione. Although whey proteins are highly bioavailable, unless it is bioactive, the cysteine, the part that boosts the glutathione in our cells, will not work as well to help our body. You will only find this in high quality protein powders, so be prepared to pay a premium. A good protein powder will also contain the other amino acid needed for glutatione production – glycine.
Vitamin C and E
Vitamin C converts oxidized glutathione back to its active form. It can raise levels of glutathione in both red and white blood cells. These foods are some of the best sources of vitamin C, contain other important nutrients, and will help you detox naturally: organic strawberries, pineapple, kholrabi, mango, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, papaya, bell pepper, and broccoli. The fruits listed are all low on the glycemic index except papaya. So they will only minimally spike your blood sugar. You might consider eating them with nuts or with ground flax seed sprinkled on them to reduce their impact on your blood sugar. For papaya, eat smaller amounts or mix with other foods or in a smoothie.
Vitamin E works to protect enzymes that, in turn, protect glutathione. Some good sources of Vitamin E are almonds, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, and spinach.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle contains silymarin which helps to protect toxin-induced drops in glutathione levels. It can raise levels of glutathione in the liver by up to 35 percent. This is what makes it well-known for being a natural liver supporter and detoxifier. It is a natural herb that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also thought to promote healthy digestive function by promoting enzyme formation and increasing bile production.
You can drink milk thistle tea but it is more powerful taken as a supplement. If you are following some of the other tips in this article about supporting glutathione production, enjoying it as a tea may be all you need to help your body detox naturally.
Good Sleep, Exercise, and Reducing Stress
There are many reasons why you should be getting a good nights sleep. One reason is that getting enough restful sleep can help maintain and increase glutathione levels. A chronic lack of sleep can actually decrease glutathione levels
Similarly, the right amount of exercise can ramp up glutathione while overtraining can actually decrease glutathione levels. Consider a combination of cardio and strength training since research has shown it is most effective in building up glutathione.
Stress is not good for good health overall and it will actually decrease your glutathione levels. So find your favorite stress reduction techniques and protect you glutathione. Things to consider include things like biofeedback, guided meditation, yoga or tai chi.
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