The main benefits of sprouts are the increased amount of vitamins and nutrients that occurs in the sprouting process. Typically, a week after sprouting, the sprouts will have the highest concentration and bioavailability of nutrients. They contain a significant amount of protein and dietary fiber
Tips for Eating Less
Whether you want to maintain or loose weight, here are some tips for eating less. It can be a challenge these days to eat only the amount of food that your body needs for fuel. Portion sizes at restaurants have grown steadily since the 1970's and the amount of processed and prepared foods has grown
Natural Solutions for Joint Pain
Joints are the tissues that connect bones and help support movements throughout the body. Joint pain affects millions of people every single day and is a symptom tied to dozens of different disorders. While it can sometimes feel like your joint pain is originating from a muscle or surrounding bones,
The Importance of Melatonin
Our sleep is precious time that allows our bodies to heal and rejuvenate, and without enough sleep, our health suffers. That means we must find ways to get proper rest. You've probably heard that taking a supplement containing melatonin can help you sleep. But the hormone melatonin is involved in
Top Foods to Avoid
What you put in, and on, your body is critical to your health. You can greatly influence your health and longevity by consuming fresh organic unprocessed foods that you prepare yourself. If that's not always possible, here are some of the top foods to avoid.
Non-Organic Fruits and
Dental Health
Did you know that your dental health can affect your general health? The health of your mouth, teeth, and gums are critical to your overall wellness. Like many areas of the body, your mouth is full of bacteria, most of which are harmless. Normally the body's natural defenses and good oral health
Love Your Liver
Your body has three main pathways of elimination. The kidneys, skin, and liver. You liver is basically a full time, non-stop, filter. With every heartbeat, it is filtering the blood that pumps throughout your system. In this way, it is regulating your body's many processes. For starters, it is
The Dangers of MSG
Monosodium glutinate, MSG, is a synthetically derived concentrated artificial flavor enhancer. It was more widely used before 1968, when a Chinese-American physician wrote a rather lighthearted letter to The New England Journal of Medicine. He had experienced symptoms that are associated with the
Do You Have a Zinc Deficiency?
Much like magnesium, zinc is critically important in hundreds of processes in the body. It plays a role in hormone production, tissue development, antioxidant production, the immune system, and more. You may have heard of people recommending zinc lozenges when someone isn't feeling well. This is
Improve Your Longevity Naturally
Many people have studied the habits of pockets of people with unusually long life spans. Some of the common factors leading to longevity among these populations are obvious like not smoking, little to no exposure to toxins, little to no exposure to processed foods, and constant movement as required